Recovery Groups
“I need to change, but I’m hesitant to join a recovery group.”
“I want to let go of acting out, but I’m scared to attend a recovery meeting.”
Can you relate to the trepidation? If you are on the precipice of stepping into a recovery meeting for the first time, or if you are floundering in your attempt to commit yourself to the type of group that I like to call a ‘Brave Circle’, these eye-witness accounts are for you! I asked men to share briefly the impact recovery meetings have had on their lives. Here is what the brave men recounted:
“(It) has consistently brought me a deep sense of belonging and love that I didn’t know my soul needed.”
“Group destroys the walls of isolation, which enable addiction to thrive. At the same time, the group creates faster and easier paths to sobriety and recovery.”
“Being in (recovery) group is a game-changer. The Bible says to flee from sexual immorality. Before (my recovery group) I never had a safe place I could flee to.”
“(Recovery Group) provides a place for me to share genuinely to find my voice after hearing my story in the words of my brothers.”
“Though (group) could not take the place of therapy, sponsors, or steps, it was a safe place for me to land. I was able to practice being present, listening, slowing down, and being radically honest.”
“While addiction laced my soul with the life-sucking plaque of shame, each group session has chipped away at that plaque and breathed life back into my soul.”
“Being in recovery group has helped me realize that I am not alone in this struggle, and have found some brothers for life.”
“(Recovery Group) has led to a deeper intimacy with Abba and my wife!”
“Group provides a power greater than any one individual can provide on their own. This power helps push through obstacles and discover new truths about themselves as well as make leaps and bounds in sobriety and recovery.”
“(In Recovery Group I have found) camaraderie with men who understand my struggles and who are willing to share their testimony. I receive strength from their stories.”
“Though my heart is ‘prone to wonder’, recovery group consistently refocuses my priority system and encourages me in the knowledge that I am not alone.”