happens in secrecy.
happens in community.
— Dr. Stephanie Carnes
You are invited to recover the wild: A multisensory medley of recovery intelligence & ancient wisdom, in a cohort of allies.
November 12 & 13
Masculinity and the body, fire, and creativity. Recovery intelligence include: connecting with the earth, caring for the body, making a daily effort, and the sexual-spiritual split
February 4 & 5
Men and the mind, wind, and kingly leadership. Recovery intelligence bundled inside of this season include: accessing your own wisdom, accepting pain, separating religion & spirituality, and surrender.
April 22-24
Manhood and spirit, fire, and being true lovers. This wisdom fuses with the recovery intelligence of becoming like a child, developing a beginner’s mind, and spiritual habits. This retreat will also include a solo in nature.
June 24 & 25th
Males and emotion, water, and warrior imagery. This is melded with the recovery intelligence of searching the circles, finding spiritual guides, and working the steps.
Enter a year-long container moving into a recovery cycle of being loved, known, and led.
Solitude vs. Loneliness
Out of loneliness and into solitude, silence, and intentional time spent in nature. This is contemplation.
Friendship vs. Isolation
A cohort of men committed sharing, story, and small groups. Be immersed in a network of guides and teachers.
Reflection vs. Numbing
Letting go of escaping and emphasizing prayer, meditation, drumming, slowing down, and paying attention.
In every retreat:
Rituals, teachings, small groups, four-direction work, challenge, partner sharing, centering and mindfulness practices, nature time, with influences from Facing the Shadows and Gentle Path through the twelve steps will pervade our time. We will soak in the deeper truths of intimacy, belonging, connection, and being known. Each man will be immersed in a web of ancient wisdom and recovery intelligence.
In between the seasonal gatherings:
You are invited into the experience of “anam cara” or stepping into relationships that could be described as soul friends. Text and email chains will bolster the support each man gives and receives in the space between each retreat. This can include 1:1 time with a PSAP (professional sex addiction specialist) to deepen the process.